A Crime is an unlawful Act punished by the state or any lawful authority. A crime or an offence is an act which is harmful not only to the person but also to the community, society or state. Such acts are forbidden and punished by law. Every crime violates the law but every violation of the law does not commit a crime.
Blackstone defined crime as, “an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law either forbidding or commanding it”.
Stages Of A Crime
If a person commits a crime voluntarily or after preparation the doing of it involves four different stages.
1) The intention is the first stage of a crime.
2) Preparation is the second stage of crime.
3) The third stage is an attempt. It is direct movement of an Act towards execution of an Act after preparation of the plan.
4) The fourth stage is the accomplishment
Intention- Intention is the first stage in the commission of an offence and known as mental stage. Intention is the direction of conduct towards the object chosen upon considering the motives which suggest the choice. But the law does not take notice of an intention, mere intention to commit an offence not followed by any act, cannot constitute an offence. The obvious reason for not prosecuting the accused at this stage is that it is very difficult for the prosecution to prove the guilty mind of a person.
Preparation- Preparation is the second stage in the commission of a crime. It means to arrange the necessary measures for the commission of the intended criminal act. Intention alone or the intention followed by a preparation is not enough to constitute the crime. Preparation has not been made punishable because in most of the cases the prosecution has failed to prove that the preparations in the question were made for the commission of the particular crime.
If A purchases a pistol and keeps the same in his pocket
duly loaded in order to kill his bitter enemy B, but does nothing more. A has
not committed any offence as still he is at the stage of preparation and it
will be impossible for the prosecution to prove that A was carrying the loaded
pistol only for the purpose of killing B.
Preparation When Punishable-
Generally, preparation to commit any offence is not punishable but in some exceptional cases preparation is punishable, following are some examples of such exceptional circumstances-
i) Preparation to wage war against the Government – Section 122, IPC 1860;
ii) Preparation to commit depredation on territories of a power at peace with Government of India- Section 126, IPC 1860;
iii) Preparation to commit dacoity- Section 399, IPC 1860;
iv) Preparation for counterfeiting of coins or Government stamps- Sections 233-235, S. 255 and S. 257;
v) Possessing counterfeit coins, false weight or measurement and forged documents. Mere possession of these is a crime and no possessor can plead that he is still at the stage of preparation- Sections 242, 243, 259, 266 and 474.
Attempt- Attempt is the direct movement towards the commission of a crime after the preparation is made. According to English law, a person may be guilty of an attempt to commit an offence if he does an act which is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the offence; and a person will be guilty of attempting to commit an offence even though the facts are such that the commission of the offence is impossible.
Attempt Under The Indian Penal Code, 1860-
The Indian Penal Code has dealt with attempt in the following four different ways-
· Completed offences and attempts have been dealt with in the same section and same punishment is prescribed for both. Such provisions are contained in Sections 121, 124, 124-A, 125, 130, 131, 152, 153-A, 161, 162, 163, 165, 196, 198, 200, 213, 240, 241, 251, 385, 387, 389, 391, 394, 395, 397, 459 and 460.
· Secondly, attempts to commit offences and commission of specific offences have been dealt with separately and separate punishments have been provided for attempt to commit such offences from those of the offences committed. Examples are- murder is punished under section 302 and attempt to murder to murder under section 307; culpable homicide is punished under section 304 and attempt to commit culpable homicide under section 308; Robbery is punished under section 392 and attempt to commit robbery under section 393.
· Thirdly, attempt to commit suicide is punished under section 309;
· Fourthly, all other cases where no specific provisions regarding attempt are made] are covered under section 511 which provides that the accused shall be punished with one-half of the longest term of imprisonment provided for the offence or with prescribed fine or with both.
There are three essentials of an attempt:-
· Guilty intention to commit
· Some act done towards the commission of the offence;
· The act must fall short of the completed offence.
Accomplishment Or Completion- The last stage in the commission of an offence is its accomplishment or completion. If the accused succeeds in his attempt to commit the crime, he will be guilty of the complete offence and if his attempt is unsuccessful he will be guilty of an attempt only. For example, A fires at B with the intention to kill him, if B dies, A will be guilty for committing the offence of murder and if B is only injured, it will be a case of attempt to murder.
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